2009. Fall - 2016. Fall (2017.2): M.S. - Ph.D. Program Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, Seoul National University
2004. Fall - 2009 Spring: B.S. Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2017.10 - now. Software Engineer Zeus at San Francisco, California
2017.3 - 2017.12. Software Developer Zeta Lab at Seoul, South Korea
2011.7 - 2011.8 Intern / Developer Samsung Electronics DMC R&D at Suwon, South Korea
2008.8 - 2009.5 Project Leader Chromatactix, Gamebuilders, Association of Computer Machinery, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2007.5 - 2007.7 Intern / Developer Secure Data Systems
2006.5 - 2006.6 Intern / Developer ChungDahm Institute Holdings
2005.5 - 2005.7 Intern / Developer Realsys Technology
Academic/Industry Collaborative Projects
2015 - 2016 Samsung Electronics: Research on Controlling Internet of Things Devices through Augmented Reality
2014 - 2015 Samsung Electronics: Research on Personal Mobile Devices and User Context Awareness Analysis
2013 - 2014 Samsung Electronics: Research on Data Analysis for Personal Voice Assistant for Mobile Devices
Academic/Professional Services
2016 Student Volunteer for CHI2016 at San Jose, USA
2016 Reviewer for Full Paper for CHI2016 at San Jose, USA
2015 Student Volunteer for CHI2015 at Seoul, South Korea
2015 Reviewer for Full Paper/Case Study/Work-in-Progress/alt.chi for CHI2015 at Seoul, South Korea
2014 Reviewer for IEICE Transactions
2014 Reviewer for Work-in-Progress for CHI2014 at Toronto, Canada
2013 Reviewer for Full Paper for Cyberworlds 2013 at Yokohama, Japan
2010.3 - 2010.6 Teacher's Assistant for Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction at Seoul National University
2013.3 - 2013.8 Teacher's Assistant for IT Leadership Seminar at Seoul National University
2012.9 - 2012.12 Teacher's Assistant for Information Visualization & Programming Practice at Seoul National University
2012.3 - 2012.6 Teacher's Assistant for Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction at Seoul National University
2012.2 - 2012.2 Student Volunteer for PacificVis 2012 at Songdo, South Korea
2008.1 - 2008.5 Teacher’s Assistant/Grader for CS231 Computer Architecture at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2010.9 - 2010.12 Teacher's Assistant for Information Visualization at Seoul National University
2016.11 "CloakingNote: A Novel Desktop Interface for Subtle Writing using Decoy Texts"
By Sehi L'Yi, Kyle Koh, Jaemin Jo, Bohyoung Kim, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Full Paper at UIST 2016, Oct 16-19, in Tokyo, Japan
Download Full PDF - Teaser Video(YouTube Link) - Research Page@HCIL - Research Page@Here
2016.11 "Prevention of Unintentional Input While Using Wrist Rotation for Device Configuration"
By Han Joo Chae, Jeongin Hwang, Yuri Choi, Yieun Kim, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Poster at UIST 2016, Oct 16-19, in Tokyo, Japan
Download Full PDF - Supplemental Video(YouTube Link) - Research Page@Here
[Best Note]
2016.06 "A Study on User Interface for Device Configuration with Wrist-Rotation Using AR and Wearables in IoT Environment"
(IoT환경에서 증강현실과 웨어러블 기기를 이용한 손목회전 기반 장치 제어 사용자 인터페이스에 대한 연구)
By Kyle Koh, Han Joo Chae, Yuri Choi, Jeongin Hwang, Yieun Kim, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Notes at KCC 2016, June 29-July 1, in Jeju, South Korea
Research Page@Here
2016.05 "Defining Rules Among Devices in Smart Environment Using an Augmented Reality Headset"
by Heonjin Park, Kyle Koh, Yuri Choi, Han joo Chae, Jeongin Hwang, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Note at Urb-Iot 2016, May 24-25, in Tokyo, Japan
Download Note PDF - Supplemental Video(YouTube Link) - Research Page@Here
2016.05 "Peek-a-View: Smartphone Cover Interaction for Multi-tasking"
by Koeun Choi, Hyunjoo Song, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Bok, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Short Paper at CHI 2016, May 7-12, 2016 in San Jose, USA.
Full PDF - Supplemental Video(YouTube Link) - Research Page@HCIL - Research Page@Here
2016.01 "A Notification Method using Augmented Reality and Object Recognition"
(증강현실과 물체인식을 통한 알림 기법)
by Heonjin Park, IEun Kim, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Abstract at HCI Korea 2016, Jan 27-29 in Jeongseon, South Korea.
Download Poster PDF (in Korean) - Research Page@Here
2015.11 "An Experiment on the Feasibility of Spatial Acquisition Using a Moving Auditory Cue for Pedestrian Navigation"
by Yeseul Park, Kyle Koh, Heonjin Park, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Short Paper at ICMI 2015, Nov 9-13, 2015 in Seattle, USA.
Full PDF - Research Page@Here
2015.04 "Understanding Users’ Touch Behavior on Large Mobile Touch-Screens and Assisted Targeting by Tilting Gesture"
by Youli Chang, Sehi L'Yi, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Long Paper at CHI 2015, Apr 18-23, 2015 in Seoul, South Korea.
Full PDF - Supplemental Video(YouTube Link) - Research Page@HCIL - Research Page@Here
2014.06 "Oppan Internet Meme Style: A Case Study of Internet Memes through Digital Artifacts on Social Media"
by Changhoon Oh, Hajin Lim, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo, Bongwon Suh
Presented as Work-In-Progress at TVX2014, Jun 25-27, 2014 in New Castle, UK.
Full PDF - Research Page@Here
2014.05 "Effect of Lateral Chromatic Aberration for Chart Reading in Information Visualization on Display Devices"
by Kyle Koh, Bohyoung Kim, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Short Paper at AVI 2014, May 27-30 in Como, Italy.
Full PDF - Research Page@HCIL - Research Page@Here
2014.02 "A design study for a visualization/analysis system for petroleum reservoir simulation data"
(저류층(貯油層) 시뮬레이션 데이터 활용을 위한 시각화/분석 시스템 디자인 스터디)
by Kyle Koh, Young-Ho Kim, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Abstract at HCI Korea 2014, Feb 12-14 in Jeongseon, South Korea.
Download Full PDF (in Korean) - Research Page@Here
2013.11 "Quantitative Evaluation of Media Space Configuration in a Task-Oriented Remote Conference System"
by Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Long Paper at OzCHI 2013, Nov 25-29 in Adelaide, Australia.
Full PDF - Research Page@HCIL - Research Page@Here
2013.10 "PhoneCog: A Device Authentication Method on Interactive Tabletops Using Color Sequence Pattern Recognition"
by Gilbok Lee, Kyle Koh, Gyungbok Lee, Guntae Park
Presented as Demo at ITS 2013, Oct 6-9 in St. Andrews, UK.
Download Full PDF - Supplemental Video(YouTube Link) - Research Page@Here
2013.8 "Analysis on Smart TV services and future strategies" (스마트 TV의 서비스 분석 및 발전 전략)
by Jay Chaeyong Yi, Kyle Koh
Telecommunications Review, vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 487-500, Aug 2013.
Full PDF (in Korean) - Research Page@Here
2011.5 "What Do You See When You Interact with Friends Online? Face, Hand, or Canvas?"
by Kyle Koh, Hyunjoo Song, Daekyoung Jung, Bohyoung Kim, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Extended Abstract at CHI 2011, May 7-12 in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Download Full PDF - Research Page@HCIL - Research Page@Here
2010.10 "ManiWordle: Providing Flexible Control over Wordle"
by Kyle Koh, Bongshin Lee, Bohyoung Kim, Jinwook Seo
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 1190-1197, Nov/Dec 2010.
Presented as Full Paper at InfoVis 2010, October 24-29 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Download Full PDF - Supplemental Video(YouTube Link) - Research Page@HCIL - Research Page@Here
C, C++, Python, C#, Java, Linux, Windows, Direct3D, OpenGL, Office, XNA, UWP Programming, XAML, WPF, Ruby, Rails, Psql, Javascript
2003.1 - Current: US IT NEWS in KOREA
I've been maintaining my own daily/biweekly US-related tech news page for Korean audiences on Facebook since 2013
2004: Lifetime Member of Culver Legion