The main idea of CloakingNote is to misdirect observers’ attention away from a real text by using a more prominent decoy text. To assess the subtlety of CloakingNote, we conducted a subtlety test using three different contrast ratios between the real text and its background. Our results demonstrated that the real text as well as the interface itself were subtle even when participants were aware that a writer might be engaged in suspicious activities. We also evaluated the feasibility of CloakingNote through a performance test and categorized the users’ layout strategies.
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2016.11 "CloakingNote: A Novel Desktop Interface for Subtle Writing using Decoy Texts"
By Sehi L'Yi, Kyle Koh, Jaemin Jo, Bohyoung Kim, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Full Paper at UIST 2016, Oct 16-19, in Tokyo, Japan
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